29th July 2021

International Conference In Contemporary Islamic Studies (ICONS) 2021 is organised by Kolej Universiti Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah. It will be held virtually on 29th July 2021. This conference provides lots of networking opportunities to muslim scholars, professors and practitioners for corporate and development sectors. The scope of this conference is broad and covers many aspects of global Islamic and contemporary issues. This conference aims to provide scholarly platform to participants to share their valuable knowledge and current information with others. This platform cover all tracks of Islamic contemporary issues such as Waqf, Islamic media, Jawi, asnaf, zakah, education and etc.



International Conference on Emerging Issues In Islamic Studies (ICONS 2021)


Date : 29 July 2021

Venue : Virtual


Website & Submission link:


Scope (but not limited to):


  • Waqf

Restoring The Excellence Of Islamic Civilization


  • Islamic Media

The use of Social Media and it’s Implication of on Faith/Akidah


  • Jawi

The Resilience Of Jawi In The Digital Era and Technology


  • Asnaf

Da’wah TransformationMethod


  • Zakah

Islamic Economic Challenges and Solutions


  • Education

Education and Technology in Shaping the Muslim Personality


  • Contemporary Issues:

Tafsir Transformation Method

Hadith Studies and It’s Challenges

The Effect of Ideologies/Islamic Sect  on Lifestyle

Dress Code and Modernization

Modern Art, Entertainment and Lifestyle

The Resilience of Islamic Principles in the Digital Era and Technology

Language and related Issues in Digital Era and Technology

Gender Equality from Islamic View

Islamic View of Eschatology Science

Ukhuwah Islamiah in Society

Islamic Finance Challenges and Solutions

Islamic Civilization Contributions to the Modern World

Islamic Manuscripts in New Perspective

Other Related Issues 




Keynote Speakers:


Dato’ Seri Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri
Minister of Religious Affairs, Malaysia


Prof. Dr. Anas Mustafa Abu Ataa


Dr Abdullah Sahin
University of Warwick, UK



All papers will go through a double blind peer review process. Papers of high quality will be accepted for publication in MyCite indexed journals. While the remainder of the articles will be published in peer reviewed journals.


Journal indexed by MyCite

  • Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu
  • The Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development (JISED)


Peer reviewed journal

  • Jurnal Al-Sirat, Kolej Universiti Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah, Pahang.
  • Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, IAIN, Kerinci, Jambi.
  • Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani.


Important Dates:

Abstract Submissions, before: 30 April 2021

Full Paper Submissions, before: 10 May 2020

Notification of Acceptances, by: 30 May 2021

Camera-Ready Submissions, before: 17 May 2021

Payments and Registrations, before: 29 July 2021


Registration Fees:

Local Researcher / Presenter: MYR 300.00

Local Researcher / Presenter (Group min 5 paper): MYR 200.00

Local Participant (Delegate/Listener): –

International Researcher / Presenter: USD 100.00

International Researcher / Presenter (Group min 5 paper): USD 80.00

International Participant (Delegate/Listener): –



Payment Details:

All payments must be made payable to:

Account Number: 06019010090138

Bank: Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)

Account Holder Name: BENDAHARI KIPSAS

Address: Kolej Universiti Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (KUIPSAS) Km 8, Jalan Gambang 25150 Kuantan, Pahang


Contact us:

Address: Kolej Universiti Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (KUIPSAS) Km 8, Jalan Gambang 25150 Kuantan, Pahang

No Phone 09535555/095365353
